MORIS design is a production company whose activities also overlap into marketing, design and sales strategies. We are not an agency, so you don’t pay anything extra.
We have sufficient capacity, experience and facilities. We have our own development and design departments, production engineering, production and service teams throughout the country.
We perform a "store-check" – survey of competition, survey of the client’s current solution and a survey with managers who currently work for the client. We also perform store-checks abroad so that we can offer a solution that will really work everywhere.
We are very flexible. At our operations facility the design and production engineering teams are next to each other in the office. Our production is in the same building, and we therefore respond very quickly to changes in client requirements during development or production.
We have won over 77 international awards.
We enjoy our work!

The MORIS design story
I started my professional carrier immediately after the Revolution when using a trade licence and without funds I started to produce interior furnishings from metal and glass. We made wire models from which we made our own drawings and produced products ourselves. We delivered the products in an old Barkas van, decorated with spray paint – we did not have the money for advertising. We made our own designs of furniture and in addition to the standard retailing of our furniture, we also furnished shops.
When I was 25, I had a relevant previous business experience and capital to start my own business.
When searching for one company in a Czech town I came to realise how poorly signed were commercial and non-commercial entities. Towns had no money for this, and they did not even know how to address the issue. That’s when I came up with project MORIS - Městské ORIentační Systémy (Municipal ORentation System), which was based on an arrangement whereby I provide signage for all non-commercial municipal buildings for free and they allow me to operate the commercial system for a period of 20 years. For every municipal site five commercial ones. I offered this system to 20 towns and 3 immediately took it up. Čáslav, Český Brod and Pilsen. The system was actually introduced in these locations and for many years it worked very well. When preparing the orders I came into contact with the field of signmaking (the production of logos, advertising signs, boards, etc.) and I fell in love with this specialisation at first sight.
7.5.1997 I purchased an issue of the classified ads paper Annonce and in this one edition I found a premises, a graphic designer and an old plotter for producing stickers. This was the real date on which the company MORIS design was established. On the same day we met and started to work out how things will be done, because none of us had any experience. The one thing we had in abundance was an unbelievable desire to work. My lucky number is seven and this date had two sevens, so since then all our quotations have included a seven. Our employees follow a rule of working at 107% to satisfy clients.
For the first year we worked in a basement in Vinohrady and we learned how things actually work in this field. After improvement we expanded our production to include a screen printer and production of illuminated advertising signs. Two years later we opened a production facility in Prague Nusle. This period was full of unbelievable meetings, parties and huge enthusiasm for work. This probably showed and we were successful in winning two important orders. The first was for Kodak, for which we rebranded 163 shops, and the second was for the Czech branch of Panasonic. Here we produced numerous tools for sales support and discovered a completely new world that linked in perfectly with the activities we had pursued up till then. The Czech branch of Panasonic recommended us to the Belgian headquarters for Europe so that we could participate in a tender for the delivery of stands across Europe. There were 14 companies in the tender and we won and became their long-term and exclusive supplier of permanent stands for battery sales. We are still producing these today in a quantity of around 25,000 per year, and our agreement with Panasonic has been renewed many times. In the 12 years of cooperation we have had just 5 claims against the supplied stands.
These strategically important orders earned us enough for our own production facility, which we started to build on a green field site in Prague Michle, where we are still based.
As the standard of our orders was increasing we started to participate in international competitions, and today we have over 77 awards for creativity, design and processing technique. A very prestigious award is the Indian statue for the winners of the POPAI Awards Paris.
In 2009 the financial crisis hit and the company’s turnover dropped dramatically. At this time we decided that the people are the most valuable asset, and therefore against all the logic and recommendations of financial experts I didn’t make people redundant, but rather started to train people and increase the level of their professionalism. At the same time we also invested in an information system and purchased new equipment. Whilst our competitors cut staff on mass, we became more professional. This obviously had a negative effect on our finances, but it was clear the crisis would end sometime. When business picked up our competitors had been decimated and had to get moving again by recruiting staff. We, however, were well prepared and ready to go. This approach was commended by the Economic Chamber in the competition „Krizi navzdory“ (Despite the Crisis), which we won and for which we received a prestigious award.
At the end of the period of weakness there was suddenly a boom in orders and the greatest success in the history of our company came with winning the order to rebrand the Teta chain of shops - 850 branches in total. We won this order in part because we were able to build at our facility a completely functional drugstore where we tested and developed everything over half a year. For the delivery of this order we opened another production hall in Prague Štěrboholy. This order has secured work for us for several years and paid back handsomely on the investment and invention that we had put into the company. For this we have received many awards and we became „Marketérem roku“ (Marketer of the Year).
We now have 140 people working for us. Our production, development and administrative area is located in Prague, Malešice. The whole space has an area of 6.677 m2. Mass production of metal items takes place in Přísnotice by Brno.

A significant percentage of our production output is destined for export, and we sell retail stands to approximately 45 countries incl. China, Australia and the USA.
Over time we have started to concentrate on design and the creation of design interiors. We became a member of POPAI Central Europe, where I was appointed Vice-president and today I frequently lecture on the subject. One of the themes that I am currently promoting and trying to raise awareness in is the project „Podporujeme český design“ (We Support Czech Design), which teaches customers to act fairly and has a great influence on supporting Czech creative designers.
The firm is a family run business with a „founding father“ and two of the three divisions managed by sons Adam and Filip, since 2018 the co-owners of MORIS design.
The company operates to a set of higher principles based on ethics, open behaviour, respect for the client and for employees.
Our aim is to exceed the client’s expectations and to provide added value with our products.
Radomír Klofáč, founder and co-owner of MORIS design s.r.o.